Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sugar Crash

We had such a great weekend.  It always amazes me just how fast the weekends move around here.  Everyone in the family was just physically exhausted after our busy [but fun filled] weekend.  Our three year old son was no exception.  The picture is proof of just how tired he truly was.  The poor little guy was too exhausted to make the eight foot crawl to the television room where he likes to sneak a peek at what mommy and daddy are doing once he goes to bed.  The sugar crash must have hit him half way through his journey and we found him sleeping in the hallway.    

We started the weekend off on Friday night when my son had a blast helping me create a special cake for my mom (more on that during a different post).  On Saturday, we headed up to my parent’s house where our little guy participated in an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was such a nice event.  My parents live out in the country and this event must have drawn a hundred kids out to find a few hundred eggs scattered all over the fire house lawn.  They must have given a dozen bikes away and a hundred other prizes.  My son didn’t win anything which was just fine with him; he actually thought the empty plastic eggs were the prize.

The event also turned into a small high school class reunion for me.  I spotted nine former classmates there and that equals approximately 15% of my high school class (I told you it was a small town).  Rumor has it that the Easter Bunny himself was a classmate of mine (I'm guessing free beer was involved).      

On Sunday he had a great time looking for his basket and more hidden eggs at Grandma and Bumpa’s house (what he calls my parents).  He also got to open up a bunch of birthday gifts since his party was canceled last month while he was hospitalized.  He had a grand time opening all those gifts and eating all that candy.

I’ve been feeling frustrated lately by what seems to be his unwillingness to master a couple of common tasks that I feel he should be doing by now like: knowing his colors and pooping on the toilet (man how I want to be done with those diapers), but I was humbled on Saturday night when we were sitting at a steakhouse having dinner and out of nowhere he started to read every single letter off of his placemat.  I had absolutely NO IDEA that he knew any of his letters!  He didn’t just know some; he nailed them like he has been naming them off his whole life.  Kids really are quite amazing and he continues to humble me as a parent every single day.

I hope the rest of you had a great weekend and enjoyed some time with family like we did, as for me, well today I’m feeling the sugar crash!  

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