Sunday, May 13, 2012
Happy Day
To all you women out there that are lucky enough to call yourself a mom, Happy Mother's Day! I spent my day relaxing. No, breakfast was not served in bed for me. The two boys in this house never make it out of bed before me. We had a: Nice. Quiet. Simple. Relaxing. Day. It was really quite perfect. I got a pair a bowling shoes (we have a summer bowling pass) and a ukelele. Yeah, sounds a little weird but a uke has been on my wishlist for awhile now. I played the trumpet for eight years and sang in choir in both high school and college so I'm really missing music in my life. Now I just need to find someone to teach me how to play the darn thing (it seems a bit more complicated than a trumpet). At least the dog didn't howl when I attempted to play the ukelele today. Every time I whip out the trumpet (not often) he howls like the world is coming to an end. I'd be insulted except he does the same thing when the phone rings and I know that isn't out of pitch.
I did find time to make myself a couple gifts today. The first one was with the help of my four year old. We made a cute little thumb print heart key chain. Please don't think I'm a genius because I'm not. I totally got the idea from centsationalgirl. This is made from polymer clay. You might remember a few months ago when I made some cute holiday ornaments with it. My son loves helping with this stuff. As you can see, I added his initials and the year to mine. LOVE IT.
My husband was also nice enough to entertain my son for a few hours while I taught myself how to sew a dart. After learning my new skill, I promptly made four in my sweet new summer purse.
I can't tell you how much I love my new purse. It makes me smile big when I see it. It is so stinkin' cute and I made it! I found the pattern at verypurpleperson for free! The only modifications I made were adding an interior pocket and making my handles approximately 2 inches longer (SO glad I did that).
When I come back, I'll show you what I gifted the two moms in my life (can't show you till they receive it). Here is a sneak peak:
Till then, find something you enjoy and DO IT! :)
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